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Meg Ryan

Meg Ryan

Birthday: 19 November 1961, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Birth Name: Margaret Mary Emily Anne Hyra
Height: 173 cm

Blond-haired, blue-eyed with an effervescent personality, Meg Ryan was born Margaret Mary Emily Hyra in Fairfield, Connecticut, to Susan (Duggan), an English teacher and one-time actress, and Harry Hy ...Show More

Meg Ryan
Clearly romantic comedy is my franchise genre, I don't mind saying that, it's true. I love doing the Show more Clearly romantic comedy is my franchise genre, I don't mind saying that, it's true. I love doing them and hopefully always will do them. I don't feel particularly typecast because I think I do so many different kinds of things. Whether they're seen or not is another issue. Hide
On why she hasn't been working very much recently - I've been famous since I was a teenager. There a Show more On why she hasn't been working very much recently - I've been famous since I was a teenager. There are a lot of empty spaces in that. I just feel like I've been filling in the cracks a little bit. I feel very fortunate, very free. (2008) Hide
(Commenting on the nudity and sex in In the Cut (2003)) "You don't go, 'Wow! I get to do a nude scen Show more (Commenting on the nudity and sex in In the Cut (2003)) "You don't go, 'Wow! I get to do a nude scene.' But I love the sex scene in this movie. It was scary, honest and raw. But people could find my body very unattractive. There could be a backlash against it". Hide
People say that chivalry is dead, I don't think that it's dead, I think it's just got the 'flu! People say that chivalry is dead, I don't think that it's dead, I think it's just got the 'flu!
The best thing about modern living is anaesthesia. Definitely. The best thing about modern living is anaesthesia. Definitely.
Meg Ryan's FILMOGRAPHY - Page 4
All as Actor (123) as Director (1)
Meg Ryan Meg Ryan'S roles
Eve Mozell Marks
Eve Mozell Marks

Maggie Cavanaugh
Maggie Cavanaugh

Mrs. Macauley
Mrs. Macauley



Martha Durand
Martha Durand

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