Paul McGann
Birthday: 14 November 1959, Kensington, Liverpool, England, UK
Height: 174 cm
Paul McGann was born on November 14, 1959 in Kensington, Liverpool, England. He is an actor and director, known for Alien³ (1992), Withnail & I (1987) and Queen of the Damned (2002). ...Show More

Never having been a Doctor Who (1963) fan as a child; other than seeing them, I was never committed Show more
Never having been a Doctor Who (1963) fan as a child; other than seeing them, I was never committed to them, and I'm still surprised year in, year out, at the involvement, the fervour, the zeal that the fans, the adherents, the people who are making the stories, and all these references, all this history, I'm still surprised at how complex and important it is. Hide
I'm not a sci-fi lover, I wasn't from the start. So perhaps I miss that passion for other worlds, ot Show more
I'm not a sci-fi lover, I wasn't from the start. So perhaps I miss that passion for other worlds, other dimensions, that sort of scope and that magnitude of storytelling, that's not my thing though I meet plenty of people whose thing it definitely is. Mine is more Earthbound than that; I prefer fiction, stories, things that are maybe rooted in our collective traits, simple, human, what makes us tick as human beings; I love a good novel. Hide
[on his response to being asked to do Doctor Who (1996)] I didn't want to do it as I didn't think I Show more
[on his response to being asked to do Doctor Who (1996)] I didn't want to do it as I didn't think I was suitable at all. I thought they were having me on. At the time it was comic actors and comedians being touted for the job so I was just curious why they were asking me, I'm no comic actor. I managed to resist it for about a year and then took the job. Hide
Careers are what they are, they don't make any sense at all when you look back. We're not in charge Show more
Careers are what they are, they don't make any sense at all when you look back. We're not in charge of them. Hide
[on whether he expected to be cast as the Doctor] Are you crazy, of course not, no, not once, no nev Show more
[on whether he expected to be cast as the Doctor] Are you crazy, of course not, no, not once, no never. Not till Philip Segal phoned me up. I thought it was a case of mistaken identity. Hide
[on Doctor Who (1996)] To be honest the film now is like a brief mad memory of some crazy holiday. I Show more
[on Doctor Who (1996)] To be honest the film now is like a brief mad memory of some crazy holiday. It just seemed to be over so quickly and there wasn't a lot of control. I just did what I was told and stood there and tried to survive. Hide
Paradoxically, usually if you do really bleak pieces, they tend to be the happiest occasions off-set Show more
Paradoxically, usually if you do really bleak pieces, they tend to be the happiest occasions off-set and the opposite is generally true too. On projects that are really funny, people can be very tense. When I filmed a drama about the Irish famine with my brothers a few years ago, we had a scream, even though we couldn't have been working on a bleaker piece. Though it has been relentless and gruelling, filming The Forgotten (2009) has been an insightful and enjoyable experience. Hide
Telly's powerful, telly can be great - it can be the best medium of all. I think in England we shoul Show more
Telly's powerful, telly can be great - it can be the best medium of all. I think in England we should look to it because we're really good at it. Hide
[on his life after an injury caused him to miss out on the "Sharpe" series] I was one of those peopl Show more
[on his life after an injury caused him to miss out on the "Sharpe" series] I was one of those people who wouldn't take out insurance unless someone held a gun to me. I breezed through life generally, most things. I am still confident, especially physically, but it knocks you. And I was skint, that was the abiding problem. It is hard being a dad sometimes, being the breadwinner. But we came through it. I'm fit again. The surgeon said the first part I'd get would probably be some swashbuckling epic and I got The Three Musketeers (1993). Hide
[on his one-off performance as the Doctor in Doctor Who (1996)] I don't want to be remembered as the Show more
[on his one-off performance as the Doctor in Doctor Who (1996)] I don't want to be remembered as the George Lazenby of Doctor Who. Hide
I filled a CV in for something, for publicity purposes, only last week and I left Doctor Who (1996) Show more
I filled a CV in for something, for publicity purposes, only last week and I left Doctor Who (1996) off. I only say that because there were times when I don't need to mention it, or perhaps, well, let's be brutally honest, it's not so cool to mention it. It depends who I'm talking to. Sometimes it's the first thing I mention. It depends, it just depends. Because it takes all sorts. Hide
If one of my kids turned around and said they wanted to be an actor, then I would try to stop them b Show more
If one of my kids turned around and said they wanted to be an actor, then I would try to stop them because I think that really only the ones that can't possibly be stopped or dissuaded should eventually be doing it. Hide
[on working with his brothers as a highlight of his career] When we did The Hanging Gale (1995), wor Show more
[on working with his brothers as a highlight of his career] When we did The Hanging Gale (1995), working together was a joy - it was easy - there's no professional rivalry. Hide
[on the fuss about being photographed kissing Catherine Zeta-Jones] If you're going to get photograp Show more
[on the fuss about being photographed kissing Catherine Zeta-Jones] If you're going to get photographed kissing the nation's sweetheart you're going to get it. It's fairly arbitrary - she's no longer the nation's sweetheart and nobody cares what I'm doing, so it's tomorrow's chip paper. It's really not worth losing any sleep over, nobody died. Hide
[on Richard E. Grant] It's good when we're together. We're still mates. Our kids know each other. Ve Show more
[on Richard E. Grant] It's good when we're together. We're still mates. Our kids know each other. Very occasionally we're together in the same place - and then it's difficult to pay for a drink. I like that. Hide
as Actor (146)

David Talbot

Henry Cadogan


Mark North


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